Jan 16, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Learning Resource Center

The Learning Resource Center embraces the mission of the college and strives to support and strengthen the art of teaching and the process of learning as they affect students, faculty, staff, and the community. To this end, the Learning Resource Center (LRC) provides library, and instructional media services and a comprehensive learning assistance program for students, faculty, and staff. Many of the services and functions of the LRC are open to community patrons. The LRC provides a broad base of services and materials reflective of user needs. Wireless Internet access is available throughout the library and Learning Resource Center. LRC staff members assist patrons in finding needed information, services, or equipment. The LRC has designed its functions to help students learn and teachers teach.

Lester Library

The Lester Library provides a diverse collection of print and non-print resources, including books, periodicals, microforms, videos, DVDs,  and e-books, as well as access to over 100 full-text and bibliographic databases. Trained library staff is available to provide bibliographic instruction and research assistance both to students and community users. Registered students are able to access online resources from off-campus via a proxy server.

Students needing research assistance off-campus can request help by email, phone, or through our LibChat service.  It can be found on the library information page of our website and on each LibGuide. 

Loan Policy. The current loan policy is four weeks for books and 48 hours for videotapes and DVDs. In most cases, items may be renewed once, prior to the due date, either by phone or in person. Renewals are not allowed on overdue material or material on hold. Periodicals, reserve materials, and reference books are for in-library use only.

Photocopy and Microfilm Printer Machines. A coin-operated copy machine and a microfilm/microfiche reader are located on the second floor of the LRC. Photocopier charges are 10 cents per page. The library cannot provide change.

Library Card. All patrons must present a library card in order to check out materials. The first card is issued free. However, a $1 fee is charged for replacement of a lost or damaged card. To replace a card, the student must pay at the business office and bring a receipt to the library circulation desk.

Overdue Policy. Although the library does not charge fines for overdue material, patrons are encouraged to return library material on or before the due date. Patrons who have library material checked out beyond a specified due date are notified in writing or through e-mail by staff. Students with overdue material are not allowed to check out additional material, receive transcripts, certificates, diplomas, or degrees; nor will they be allowed to re-register. Community patrons with overdue material are not allowed to check out additional library materials until overdue materials are returned. All patrons with overdue materials may be subject to action taken by the business office in accordance with VA Code§ 42.1-74. Habitual abuse of library policies may result in library privileges being suspended.

Lost or Damaged Materials. The cost for lost, stolen, or damaged library material will be assessed based on replacement value of the same or like materials.

Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA). VIVA is a consortium of the 39 state-assisted, colleges and universities, the 32 independent Virginia institutions, and the Library of Virginia. VIVA’s mission is to provide enhanced access to library and information resources and facilitate cooperation among institutes of higher learning. Through its VIVA membership, the Lester Library makes available a variety of full-text and bibliographic databases, free to students, faculty, staff and community researchers.

Details about VIVA and a list of its current database titles are available at http://www.vivalib.org.

Interlibrary Loans. As a member of the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) interlibrary loan network, the library can borrow materials from other OCLC member libraries within the state at no charge. Request for out-of-state materials are honored, where possible, although fees and restrictions may apply. For additional information regarding library policies and resources, please see the Lester Library Web page.

LRC Testing Center

The LRC Testing Center provides testing for local P&HCC students enrolled in distance learning courses as well as legitimate make-up testing for students in face-to-face classes as instructed by individual faculty members.  Local students taking classes at other community colleges and senior institutions may contact the Testing Center if they need tests proctored.

Students who live within P&HCC’s service region (Martinsville, Henry County, and Patrick County) are required to take proctored tests at either P&HCC’s main campus Testing Center or at the P&HCC’s Patrick County site. Students living outside the Martinsville and Henry County area must find an acceptable proctor, fill out a Student-Proctor Agreement (located on the College website’s Testing Center page), and submit to the Testing Center for approval at least one week prior to their test.

Appointments are not necessary for students taking tests in the Testing Center; however, it is the student’s responsibility to allow an adequate amount of time to complete a test before closing time.  Current semester hours are posted on the college website. A picture ID (Student ID card or Driver’s License) is required before any test will be given. Students must provide their EMPLID, course number, instructor’s name, and test information. Belongings are not allowed in the testing room and need to be left in the assigned area: lockers are provided. Cell phones and smart watches are prohibited in the testing room. Having a cell phone, smart watch, or any portable electronic device while in the Testing Room will be considered a violation of the Honor Code and will be reported to the instructor.

Learning Laboratory

A Learning Lab is provided for the convenience of students to be able to work on coursework. Computers in the Learning Lab have Microsoft Office programs installed as well as other programs used in their classes.


Individual, group, and online tutoring is provided for most subjects free of charge to P&HCC students. Tutoring services are located on the first floor of the Learning Resource Center. Certified tutors are available for support, encouragement, and enhancing the quality of education.

Writing Center

The Writing Center offers individual as well as group tutoring sessions for students seeking guidance in their writing skills. The goal of the Writing Center is to aid in the development of the individual writer, teaching skills to help the writer become more self-sufficient. Trained tutors are available during lab hours. This service is offered at no cost to the student.

Byrd Math Lab

The goal of the Byrd Math Lab is to provide math assistance to students in all levels of math offered by P&HCC. The lab provides free individual and group tutoring. Walk-ins during regularly scheduled hours are the primary means of receiving math tutoring and are always welcomed; no appointment is necessary. Scheduled appointments may be available for certain math classes upon request. Math assistance is guaranteed during the open lab hours. The college attempts to offer math tutoring during both day and evening hours to accommodate student schedules. Students should check the college webpage for current semester hours of operation.

Distance Learning

P&HCC offers a wide variety of distance learning courses as well as a number of programs offered in a distance learning format. The majority of distance learning courses are web-based; however, the college delivers a few courses via compressed video or video conferencing. The compressed video courses are delivered to the college’s off-campus sites and to other institutions within the Virginia Community College System. Web courses allow students to access the course using the internet. Distance learning courses maintain the same integrity as traditional courses, but provide the course instruction in an alternate format. Distance learning courses are coordinated through the Division of Technology. Students are encouraged to complete an orientation to distance learning prior to beginning any of the college’s web-based courses.

EAB Navigate Progress Report (Alert) System

The Navigate Campaign System allows instructors to identify, communicate with, and provide guidance to students demonstrating interactive performance and characteristics that correlate with the failure to academically succeed. Navigate gives instructors a quick way to keep track of their students’ academic performance by creating a “case” when student behavioral or academic patterns cause concern.  The instructor can also create positive reports to acknowledge academic success. Once the case is developed on a student, email notifications are sent to the Navigate case managers who will make numerous attempts to contact students.

Students who receive feedback early in the semester regarding their progress are more likely to seek assistance and support when needed.

Student Support Services

Student Support Services is a federally funded grant program (TRIO Program) through the U.S. Department of Education. The Student Support Services office is located on the first floor of the Learning Resource Center, Room 109. Students must apply to participate in the program and meet eligibility criteria. Eligible participants include first generation, low income, and/or students with a disability. Free services for program participants include: tutoring; academic advising; financial aid assistance; study skills assistance; cultural and social activities; assistance with transferring to a four-year college or university, including campus visits; support services and accommodations for a disability.

Resources for Students with disAbilities

disAbility Resources, including academic adjustments and accommodations, are available to allow the full participation of students with disabilities in all programs and services of the college. disAbility Resources may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • facilitating physical accessibility on campus;
  • academic degree or course requirements may be modified in certain instances to ensure full participation;
  • alternate methods of testing and evaluation are available for students whose disability require such methods; and
  • auxiliary aids and services are available for students with impaired sensory, manual, speaking, or processing skills.

Student Support Services is responsible for coordinating all disAbility Resources. Students with disabilities are encouraged to contact a counselor in Student Support Services as early as possible to arrange for and receive accommodations. In addition, Student Support Services will facilitate a student’s communication with instructors regarding disclosure of his or her disability and accommodations needed.

Accessible parking is available in all visitor and student parking lots on campus. An appropriate vehicle tag or permit from the Department of Motor Vehicles is required for these spaces. Inquiries about the college’s and student’s rights and responsibilities regarding persons with disabilities may be directed to the 504/ADA Coordinator located on the first floor of the Learning Resource Center, (276) 656-0257. Additional information regarding the college’s disability policies and procedures may be found at the P&HCC college web site.