Feb 11, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog


To receive credit for a course, students must register for the course through established procedures. Each student is assigned an advisor to help the student develop a schedule. The student will either complete an official student registration card, have it approved by his/her advisor and have data entry completed by college staff or the student can self-register via the Student Information System (SIS). Registration is not complete until all tuition and fees are paid.

Complete procedures for class registration and drop/add can change during an academic year. Published directions can be found on the college web page.

Advising and Registration

First-time students new to Patrick & Henry Community College and students with fewer than 15 credits can schedule an advising session with a Student Enrollment Services advisor located in the Student Success & Enrollment Services Office in the Walker Building. Students who have completed 16 or more credit hours can meet with their assigned faculty advisor. This faculty advisor is listed in your MyP&HCC SIS account and Navigate. 

Prepare for your meeting with an advisor

Review the requirements for your academic program found in our online college catalog. You can also access and print your academic (requirements) advising report, which is found in your electronic student center by way of “MyP&HCC”.

Write down or memorize your student identification number (EMPL ID).

Bring any additional information that may be useful during the advising session such as unofficial transcripts from previously attended schools.

Realistically assess work, family, and outside obligation for the upcoming semester.

Begin to think about your occupational and educational goals.

In addition to curricular advising, P&HCC provides transfer and career advising for students that intend to transfer to a four-year college or university, and/or that may need assistance with career exploration.

Changes of Registration

Students must follow the correct methods of making any change in their class schedule after registration. Failure to do so could place the students’ record at risk.

Add/Drop Policy. A student may add or register for courses up until the date stated in the respective academic calendar. Students should refer to the current academic calendar for add/drop dates. Students may not register for a class after the stated dates. Exceptions to this policy will be considered on the merits of the individual case. During the first 15% of a session, students may drop a course without financial penalty. Weekend classes and special session classes have shorter periods for adding or dropping. Students should consult the college calendar or instructor for specific dates.

Withdrawal from a Course. No grade-point credit. A grade of “W” is awarded to students who withdraw or are withdrawn from a course after the add/drop period but prior to the completion of 60% of the session. After that time, the students shall receive a grade of “F” except under mitigating circumstances which must be documented and a copy of the documentation must be placed in the student’s academic file.

For purposes of enrollment reporting, the following procedures shall apply:

  1. If a student withdraws from a class prior to the termination of the add/drop period for the session, the student is removed from the class roster and no grade is awarded.
  2. After the add/drop period, but prior to completion of 60% of a session, a student shall be assigned a grade of “W” who withdraws or is withdrawn from a course.
  3. After that time, if a student withdraws or is withdrawn from a course, a grade of “F” shall be assigned.
  4. Exceptions to this policy may be made under mitigating circumstances; such circumstances must be documented and a copy of the documentation placed in the student’s academic file. Only the chief academic officer of the campus or his/her designee can approve an exception to this policy under mitigating circumstances.

Late Addition of a Course. A student may not enter a new course after the add deadline of the semester. Any request for entry after that period must be approved by the Vice President of Academic and Student Success Services. The student must reach out to an advisor for submission of a late-add request. This form must be approved by the Vice President for Academic and Student Success Services and recorded in the registrar’s office.

Withdrawal from the College. A student who wishes to withdraw from the college should contact the Coordinator of Admissions to determine the appropriate procedure. Failure to follow established procedures to formally withdraw from college will result in the grade of “F” for each course of enrollment for the semester.

Auditing a Course. Students desiring to attend a course without taking the examination or receiving credit for the course may do so by registering to audit through the usual registration process and paying the normal tuition. Permission of the division dean or another appropriate academic administrator is required to audit a course. Audited courses carry no credit and do not count as a part of the student’s course load. Students desiring to change status in a course from audit to credit or from credit to audit must do so within the add/drop period for the course.

Students who desire to earn credit for a previously audited course must re-enroll in the course for credit and pay normal tuition to earn a grade other than “X.” Advanced standing credit should not be awarded for a previously audited course.

Course Credit

Credits are assigned to each course based on the time required to complete its requirements. This may consist of lectures, out- of-class study, online assignments, laboratory and shop study, or combinations as follows:

One hour of lecture (including lecture, seminar, discussion or other similar experiences) per week for 16 weeks including the examination period = 1 collegiate semester hour credit.

Two or three hours, depending on the academic discipline, of laboratory (including laboratory, shop, clinical training, supervised work experience, coordinated internship, or other similar experiences) per week for 16 weeks including the examination period = 1 collegiate semester hour credit.

One to five credits with variable hours for the general usage courses: coordinated internship, cooperative education, seminar and project, and supervised study.

Transfer Credit

Provided certain criteria are met, the college routinely accepts credit from similarly accredited institutions. Credits earned at institutions not accredited can be evaluated provided detailed information regarding course content, texts, evaluation methods, faculty credentials, etc. are provided. Transfer credit evaluations are based on official transcripts from the previous institutions. No credit is given for courses with grades lower than “C.”

A transfer student may be advised to repeat a course if it is clearly to the student’s advantage in order to make satisfactory progress in the curriculum. Students with a minimum of 20 semester hours of transferred credit from a four-year college or university may be exempt from SDV 100  .

Students with educational credentials from foreign countries who wish to receive transfer credit for any of that work must have a credit evaluation provided to the admissions office from a college-approved foreign credential evaluation service (see Admission Procedures   ). The student must absorb all costs. P&HCC faculty makes the final decisions on the granting of credit at P&HCC.

Questions about any of these policies may be referred to the Coordinator of Admissions and Records.

Evaluation of Military Transcripts

Military Credits earned in nontraditional educational/training programs (military, industry, state and federal government)

A student’s military training, courses, and occupational specialty may all be considered for college credit. As a participating member of Service members Opportunity Colleges (SOC), Patrick & Henry Community College follows the American Council on Education’s (ACE) Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services in determining the value of learning acquired in military service when applicable to the service member’s program of study. Military service credit in the occupational/technical areas (i.e., Engineering, Health Technology) may require approval by the appropriate academic dean prior to award. To receive credit for military training, the student must submit a military transcript which includes the ACE recommended credit and initiate a request for evaluation to the Patrick Henry Admissions and Records office. Note: If the student submits only the DD214 and no military transcript, only credit for HLT 100  will be awarded. Students who have completed basic training, regardless of the date of military experience, and have been honorably discharged may receive up to three credits for HLT 100.

Army, Coast Guard, Marines and Navy. Patrick & Henry Community College receives official Joint Services Transcripts (JST) electronically from the DoD Joint Services Transcript System. The JST is used by the Army, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard. Requests received by the JST System are processed and sent electronically to P&HCC within one business day. To request this transcript, please do the following:

NOTE: If you need to have an AARTS or Coast Guard Institute Transcript sent to us, please see the links below and be sure to complete and submit our on-line Request to Evaluate Previous Educational Experiences form as well.

Air Force. Air Force members should request an official Community College of the Air Force/Air University transcript from Community College of the Air Force - Registrars Division Transcript Request | Parchment.

Additional questions or concerns regarding the evaluation of military transcripts should be directed to the office of Admissions and Records.

Credit for Prior Experience and Training

A student who believes that previous educational studies, training programs, work experience, or acceptable nationally recognized proficiency examination scores may justify an adjustment in the course work required in a particular curriculum should contact the Registrar to determine the required procedures for credit evaluation before registering for classes.

Course credit may be granted for completion of proficiency exams including but not limited to College Level Examination Program (CLEP), DANTES Subject Standardized Test (DSST) of the Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES), Excelsior Credit by Exam (ECE), the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB), Advanced Placement (AP) program, and the International Baccalaureate (IB) program. Official documentation must be provided to the Coordinator of Admissions and Records, 276-656-0312.

Credit by examination is an internal method of achieving advanced standing in a course through satisfactorily demonstrating mastery of a course’s objectives by means of either a comprehensive examination and/or a summative assignment administered by the college. The student must attain a grade of C or higher on the examination and/or assignment to gain credit. The comprehensive exam and/or summative assignment may be obtained by completing the required application and submitting it to the division dean for approval.

If approved, students must pay $50 prior to testing or submission of the assignment for every course for which credit by examination is undertaken. A student who earns credit through a comprehensive examination and/or summative assignment will only receive credit and will not receive a course grade.

Credit for training provided by non-collegiate institutions and for professional certification will be considered on an individual basis. Students must contact their division dean and provide official documentation of training and certification.

Students who have successfully completed the Certified Professional Secretary (CPS) or the Professional Legal Secretary (PLS) exams may be awarded credit for certain related courses in appropriate programs subject to current statewide articulations.

Students who have completed the Virginia State Police Academy Basic Course, or the Law Enforcement Officers, Corrections Officers, or Jailers programs certified by the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services may be awarded credit for certain related courses in appropriate programs subject to current statewide articulations.

Licensed Practical Nurses enrolling in the Nursing Program may receive partial credit for their prior training under conditions outlined in the Nursing Program section of this catalog.

Students entering the Emergency Medical Services- Paramedic or Intermediate program may receive credit for current Virginia or National Registry EMT certifications as outlined in the EMS program section of this catalog.

Students entering the Emergency Medical Services-Paramedic or Intermediate program may receive credit for Virginia or National Registry EMT certifications as outlined in the EMS program section of this catalog.

It is important to remember that a minimum of 25% of curriculum credit requirements must be earned through instruction by P&HCC in order to receive a degree, diploma, or certificate from P&HCC.

Questions about any of these policies may be referred to the Coordinator of Admissions and Records.  

P&HCC Credit for Prior Learning Handbook.

Waiver of Curricular Requirements

Under certain conditions, students may receive a waiver of a specific curriculum course requirement. In such cases, credits are not awarded; the student is certified as having the requirements waived and is required to substitute other course work for the requirement. To complete a curriculum, the student still needs to complete the minimum number of required credits. Application for granting a waiver should be made well in advance of the beginning of the semester by contacting the division dean responsible for the curriculum.

Student Exceptions

In some instances, courses required in the program outline may not be available or a different course may be appropriate as an exception for the required course. To use a different course for one ordinarily required, an advisor must complete an “Authorized Student Exception” form and have it approved by both the dean and Academic Vice President. Any deviation from the requirements outlined in this catalog must be approved by the advisor, division dean and the Academic Vice President, and recorded by the Registrar before the student exception course is officially approved.

Normal Academic Load

The normal academic load for a student is 15 to 17 credits per semester (Fall/Spring). The minimum full-time load is 12 credits, and the normal maximum full-time load is 18 credits. A student wishing to enroll for more than 18 credits must have the approval of the Vice President of Academic and Student Success Services or appointed designee. Students may not enroll in more than 10 credits in an 8-week session which includes the 8-week Summer term. Students on academic warning or academic probation may be required to take less than the normal semester course load.

Class Attendance

It is extremely important for students to attend classes and laboratory sessions. When absence from a class becomes necessary, it is the responsibility of the student to inform the instructor prior to the absence. Each instructor will establish an attendance policy. The student is responsible for making up all work missed during an absence.

In the event that a student has not reported to class (or logged into the VCCS Learning Management System and completed the syllabus assignment for a web course) by the Census Date for the course, the instructor may submit the proper form to administratively drop the student from the course. The Census Date is the point at which enrollment in the course is locked for financial aid purposes. For regular semester courses, it typically coincides with the last date you can drop classes for a full tuition refund.

Tests and Examinations

Students are expected to take tests and examinations when scheduled. Students may arrange with the instructor to postpone or reschedule a test; such arrangements must be made prior to the day or time of the test.