Mar 28, 2025
2025-2026 Catalog
P&HCC Foundation
The Patrick & Henry Community College Foundation is a not-for-profit foundation organized under Virginia law and is fiscally and organizationally separate from the college. Its purposes are to enhance community awareness of Patrick & Henry Community College; to secure private contributions, bequests, and donations; and to account for, manage, and help appreciate monies or property submitted to the foundation.
The Foundation Board of Directors is composed of people from the college service area who represent positive leadership and community influence and who have expressed an interest and desire to use their influence on behalf of the college through the foundation.
The goals and objectives of the foundation:
- Support the programs of P&HCC;
- Help to foster better understanding of the college and secure wide participation in cultural and community activities;
- Encourage potential students to attend the community’s college;
- Raise support needed for students that cannot be funded by public money;
- Provide a means of a perpetual trusteeship of capital funds donated or to be donated to the college by individuals or organizations for programs or activities of benefit to the college and its community;
- Enhance the quality of education through acquisition of state-of-the-art equipment in academic and occupational-technical programs;
- Recognize and promote outstanding teaching and leadership in college activities;
- Develop special capital projects and facilities;
- Raise support for special projects relating to the college which cannot be funded by public money;
- Undertake any other activities that may be to the benefit of P&HCC and its community.