Associate Degree Programs
P&HCC awards associate degrees in science and applied science. Associate of Science (AS) degrees provide the first two years of instruction in major fields that prepare students for transfer to colleges and universities to complete baccalaureate degrees. Students are encouraged to investigate the requirements of the institution to which transfer is anticipated. Associate of Applied Science degrees (AAS) provide knowledge and skills leading to employment in specialized fields.
Certificate Programs
Certificate programs are less than two years in length with a major in an occupational area; career studies certificates (CSC) require less than a full year of study in an occupational area. Certificate programs (CERT) differ from associate degree programs because they are presented at a different educational level and are developed in response to employment needs identified by local curriculum advisory committees. Several of these programs are offered on a part-time, day or night basis for students who are already employed.
Computer Competency Requirement
P&HCC believes that all students should experience a teaching- learning environment that espouses computer and information literacy in accessing electronic resources and applying knowledge through technology. P&HCC endorses the principle of computer competency for all students intent on completing a curriculum in excess of 45 semester credits. Students may demonstrate their computer competence by successfully passing ITE 152 depending on program requirements, by passing a proficiency test, or by demonstration of program outcomes.
Entry Placement Requirement
All students planning to enter one of the degree or certificate programs are required to complete the direct enrollment survey before they can begin their college courses. Students who need developmental work to obtain the appropriate skills and competencies will be advised of the requirements and availability of the courses.
It is extremely important students meet with an advisor prior to enrolling in any developmental course. Students who are required to take developmental courses must satisfactorily complete the developmental requirements prior to taking certain on-level courses. A description of each developmental course is included under the course description section of the catalog. Students requiring developmental courses must enroll in the appropriate course in their first semester. Students requiring developmental courses may not enroll after classes begin.
Measures for Math Placement - Math placement will be determined using one of the following measures:

*Placement directly into Calculus, based on HSGPA and highest-level math courses taken will be at the discretion of each college.
Measures for English Placement - English placement will be determined using one of the following measures:
