Mar 28, 2025  
2025-2026 Catalog 
2025-2026 Catalog

Admission Procedures

Individuals are eligible for admission to the community college if they are high school graduates or the equivalent, or if they are eighteen years of age or older and able to benefit academically from study at the community college, as demonstrated by assessment in reading, writing, and mathematics.  Minimum scores are noted below. Colleges may allow students who are in their final semester of high school or home school to enroll in summer courses. These students must provide documentation of graduation in order to enroll in subsequent semesters. 

Reading EDE 10
Writing EDE 10
Math MDE 10

Patrick & Henry Community College promotes nondiscrimination.  A lack of English skills is not a barrier to participation in any course. 

Patrick & Henry Community College reserves the right to evaluate and document special cases and to refuse or revoke admission if the college determines that the applicant or student poses a threat, is a potential danger, is significantly disruptive to the college community, or if such refusal or revocation is considered to be in the best interest of a college. The colleges also reserve the right to refuse admission for applicants that have been expelled or suspended from, or determined to be a threat, potential danger, or significantly disruptive by another college. Students whose admission is revoked after enrollment must be given due process. 

When enrollments must be limited for any curriculum or course, priority must be given to qualified students who apply for admission to the program within a reasonable length of time before registration. Admission priorities are: (1) Virginia residents-legal domiciliaries, (2) out-of-state, and (3) foreign students.

Admission to Specific Curricula or Courses

In addition to general admission requirements, other specific requirements may be prescribed for any curriculum. Among the criteria generally considered in determining student eligibility for admission to a curriculum are the student’s educational and occupational experiences and other reasonable standards to ensure that the student has the potential to meet program requirements. Specific requirements for each curriculum are listed in the Curricula of Study section of this catalog. People who do not initially meet the requirements for a specific course or curriculum may be eligible for entrance after developmental prerequisites have been completed.

Admission of Students on the Sexual Offender Registry Section 23 - 2.2:1 of the Code of Virginia requires that the VCCS send enrollment information to the Virginia State Police concerning students to institutions of higher education. This information is transmitted electronically and compared against the Virginia Criminal Information Network Crime Information Center Convicted Sexual Offender Registry. Language on the web application informs students that their information is being transmitted to the State Police. In the event that the State Police determine that an applicant to Patrick & Henry Community College is listed on the Sex Offender Registry, the State Police will notify P&HCC. When the college receives such a notification, the following procedures apply:

aThe College reserves the right to evaluate special cases and to refuse admission to students when considered advisable in the best interest of the college. The applicant or withdrawn student may receive a written letter from the Dean of Student Success stating his/her denial of admission. 

b.   If the applicant registers for classes and becomes a student before the college receives notification from the State Police, the student will be notified immediately of his/her potential administrative drop from classes. A letter for reconsideration of admission status must be made to the Dean of Student Success within seven (7) calendar days.

c.   If the letter is not received within seven (7) days, he/she will be dropped from classes immediately and will receive a refund.

Appeal Process for Denial of Admission or Withdrawal for Convicted Sex Offender

When a convicted sex offender is denied initial admission to or is administratively dropped from classes at Patrick & Henry Community College, the applicant or withdrawn student will receive a written notification from the Dean of Student Success stating his/her denial of admission or potential administrative drop from classes. He/she may invoke the following appeal process within seven (7) calendar days of the denial of admission or administrative drop:

The applicant/student may write a letter of appeal to the Vice President of Academic and Student Success Services in which he/she provides the following information:

  1. Disclosure of the nature of the offense for which he/ she has been convicted
  2. Justification for consideration of admission/ reinstatement
  3. A statement acknowledging his/her understanding that his/her identity and status as a convicted sex offender will be publicized on the college campus in accordance with federal and state law if he/she is admitted or reinstated.

The Vice President of Academic and Student Success Services will review the information submitted and make a decision within fourteen (14) calendar days of receiving the letter of appeal.

The Vice President of Academic and Student Success Services will inform the applicant/dropped student in writing of the decision of the appeal. The decision of the Vice President shall be final.

Curricular Admission

Application. Before final action may be taken on an application, a student seeking admission to any curriculum of the college must submit:

  1. A completed Application for Admission.
  2. Official high school transcripts or GED certificate if you plan to enter the program in either Associate Degree Nursing (ADN), EMT- Intermediate, Paramedic, or Practical Nursing. There are no exceptions.
    1. Applicants for financial aid should be aware that some financial aid programs may require that the high school transcript/GED certificate be submitted without exception before an award may be made.
    2. Students must be admitted into an eligible curriculum prior to the semester start date.
  3. Official College Transcripts for all previous institutions if:
    1. You plan to enter the degree program in either Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) or EMT-Paramedic or the certificate in Practical Nursing (PN);
    2. You wish to receive transfer credit. The VCCS Student Information System academic records will be sufficient for colleges within the Virginia Community College System. Please fill out the Transcript Evaluation eForm online in the Student Records eForms tab of SIS.
      NOTE: The SDV 100 requirement may be waived for students who hold an Associate degree or Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution. Other requests for a waiver may be considered on a case-by-case basis.  Students must still successfully complete the required number of credits for their degree.  
  4. Other material when applicable.
    1. Associate Degree Nursing (ADN), Practical Nursing (PN), and EMT-Paramedic applicants need to consult specifics in the ADN, PN, or EMT- Paramedic section of the college catalog.
    2. Additional information as stated by the college for admission to specific programs or curricula.
  5. International students. Patrick & Henry Community College is a two-year, non-residential, commuter college. We welcome applications from qualified international students who meet our academic, financial, and language requirements. Before we are able to process a request for admission to the college and issue a form I-20 for the F-1 Visa, the following documents must be submitted by July 1 for fall semester attendance and November 1 for spring semester attendance:
    1. Completed P&HCC Application for Admission
    2. Proof of the equivalent of an American high school diploma
    3. Proof of English proficiency by one of the following: Graduation from a US high school, Official Internet-based (IBT) TOEFL scores of at least 61, Duolingo 100, IELTS 6.0, or iTEP 3.7  
    4. Verification of financial support sufficient to enroll as a full-time student without the need to work off-campus
    5. Proof of health insurance coverage
    6. Photocopy of your passport

After the student’s I-20 is issued, the student must complete the direct enrollment survey for mathematics and English unless exempted from the English portion by a TOEFL Score (76 or higher), enroll in a minimum of 12 credit hours in a transfer program, and file a copy of the student’s passport and I-94 card with the Admissions Office. Additionally, International Students must adhere to the attendance requirements for face-to-face classes. This policy may be found here under General Information.

Students are allowed to attend Patrick & Henry Community College for two years.  Please keep in mind that P&HCC does not offer international student scholarships, employment on campus is limited, and off campus employment is authorized only by US Immigration and Customs if certain requirements are met. 

Please do not send or bring foreign transcripts directly to the Admissions and Records Office.  Please note that the college does not endorse any specific company.  The information below is provided for your convenience only.  For a full list of approved agencies, please visit National Association of Credential Evaluation Services, (NACES)

Global Credential Evaluators, Inc.

Spantran -

World Education Services, Inc. -

After application materials have been submitted, you should speak with a Designated School Official (DSO) about next steps.  

Non-Curricular Application

Applicants for non-curricular admission must submit a completed Application for Admission

Classification of Students

Students are classified according to their educational goals, the time devoted to their education, and the number of credits completed.

Curricular student - A student who has been officially admitted to one of the college’s associate degree, certificate, or career studies certificate programs is classified as a curricular student.

Non-curricular student - A student, who is not enrolled in a curriculum, either by individual choice or in accordance with college policy, is classified as a non-curricular student. Non-curricular students are not eligible for financial aid, AND students must be admitted into an eligible curriculum prior to the beginning of the semester in order to receive financial aid.

Full-time student - Students are considered full-time students if they are enrolled in 12 or more credits of course work.

Part-time student - Students are considered part-time students if they are enrolled in fewer than 12 credits of course work.

Freshman - Students are classified as freshmen until they have completed 30 credits of study in a designated curriculum. Transferred credits are included if they apply toward meeting requirements of the curriculum.

Sophomore -Students are classified as sophomores when they have completed 30 or more credits of course work in a designated curriculum. Transferred credits are included if they apply toward meeting requirements of the curriculum.

Senior Citizen - Senior Citizens Higher Education Act of 1974, As Amended 1976, 1977, l982, 1988, 1999, 2003, and 2015 (SG)

Subject to SCHEV regulations and any legislative revisions, the Act gives senior citizens certain rights.

  1. “Senior citizen” shall mean any person who, before the beginning of any semester in which such person claims entitlement to senior citizen benefits, (1) has reached 60 years of age, and (2) has had legal domicile in Virginia for one year.
  2. A senior citizen shall be entitled:
    1. to register for and enroll in courses as a full-time or part-time student for academic credit if such senior citizen had a taxable individual income not exceeding $23,850 for Virginia income tax purposes for the year preceding the year in which enrollment is sought;
    2. to register for and audit courses offered for academic credit regardless of income level; and
    3. to register for and enroll in courses not offered for academic credit regardless of income level.

Such senior citizen shall pay no tuition or fees for courses offered for academic credit or for courses not offered for academic credit, except fees established for the purpose of paying for course materials, such as laboratory fees, subject to a determination by the institution of its ability to offer the course or courses for which the senior citizen registers.

The Council of Higher Education shall establish procedures to ensure that tuition-paying students are accommodated in courses before senior citizens participating in this program are enrolled. However, the state institutions of higher education may make individual exceptions to these procedures when the senior citizen has completed 75% of the requirements for a degree.

Interested senior citizens should complete the senior citizen tuiton assistance form located under Student Forms on the homepage. All senior citizen enrollments are processed in the Office of the Registrar. 

Transfer Students

Usually, a student transferring from another college who is eligible for return to the last college will be eligible for admission to P&HCC. If a student is ineligible to return to a curriculum at a previously attended college, special conditions may be imposed for admission.

Students transferring from other colleges should submit official transcripts for ALL previous college or high school work as outlined above (Admissions Procedures). If possible, transfer credits will be evaluated to determine the student’s standing before registering for classes, but not before ALL transcripts are received.  Transfer Credit posted to your Patrick & Henry Community College transcript becomes a part of your permanent academic record. As part of your permanent academic record, transfer credit will not be removed for any reason unless credit is posted erroneously. Please see the Transfer Evaluation and Credit for Prior Learning Handbook for more information.

Transfer between Curricula - During the course of study, a student may desire to change to another curriculum. The student should discuss the intended change with the faculty or college advisor, who will discuss the requirements and effects of the change.

The student’s academic history will be evaluated by the appropriate college official to determine what courses can be applied to the new curriculum. No change in curriculum is official until a “Student Academic Program Change Form” has been submitted. Students must be admitted into an eligible curriculum prior to the semester beginning in order to receive financial aid.

High School Students

Students attending high school who wish to attend college concurrently to take credit classes outside of current dual enrollment controls must coordinate consideration with the school and the Director of Dual Enrollment. Each case will be evaluated individually.

Dual Enrollment. Although high school and home school students are normally not qualified for general admission, colleges may offer admission to those students who meet additional criteria. Dual enrollment is restricted to high school juniors and seniors and home school students studying at the high school junior or senior levels. Home school students must also provide a copy of a home school agreement approved by the school district or a letter from the local school board or a copy of the letter filed by the parent/legal guardian declaring home school for religious exemption. Documentation of parental permission is required for all dual enrollment students.

Because admitting freshmen and sophomores is considered exceptional, the college-ready status of each prospective freshman and sophomore student will be treated on a case-by-case basis. Formal approval by the college president is required for admitting freshmen or sophomores.

All students admitted under this section must demonstrate readiness for college by meeting the current Virginia Plan for Dual enrollment. Students enrolling in a dual enrollment course must meet all course pre-requisites.

Readmission after Suspension or Dismissal

Students desiring readmission after suspension or dismissal should complete the Reinstatement/Petition for Admissions form located under Student Forms on the homepage. Such applications should be submitted well in advance of the beginning of the college semester.

Academic Renewal Policy

Students who return to the college after a separation of five (5) full years or more may petition for academic renewal. The request must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by completion of the Academic Renewal eForm in the MyP&HCC student portal.

If a student is awarded academic renewal, “D” and “F” grades earned prior to re-enrollment will remain on the student’s official record and transcript but be deleted from the cumulative and curriculum grade point average (GPA), subject to the following conditions:

  1. prior to petitioning for academic renewal the student must demonstrate a renewed academic interest and effort by earning at least a 2.5 GPA in the first twelve (12) semester hours (graded A, B, C, D, F) completed after re-enrollment
  2. all grades received at the college will be a part of the student’s official transcript
  3. students will receive degree credit only for courses in which grades of C or better were earned prior to academic renewal, providing that such courses meet current curriculum requirements
  4. total hours for graduation will be based on all course work taken at the college after readmission, as well as former course work for which a grade of ” C” or better was earned, credits transferred from other colleges or universities, or awarded at P&HCC by other approved methods
  5. the academic renewal policy may be used only once and cannot be revoked once approved
  6. an “Academic Renewal” notation will be made on the permanent record
  7. the granting of Academic Renewal does not affect any previous academic, financial, or administrative determination made by the college
  8. other institutions/agencies may not utilize this policy in evaluating the student’s record

A thorough explanation of the academic renewal policy and analysis of an individual student’s situation and eligibility may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar. If a student disagrees with the decision of the coordinator in administering the policy, an appeal may be filed by following the grievance procedure outlined in the student handbook.

Cancellation of Classes Due to Insufficient Enrollment

The college may cancel any class that is deemed to have insufficient enrollment (as determined by college policy) at the beginning of each semester.

Domicile Determination and Appeal Procedures

The Virginia Community College System is guided by the Code of Virginia and the regulations of the State Council for Higher Education on determining domicile. For the purposes of in-state tuition, a Virginia resident is defined by state law as one who has lived in Virginia, with the intent to remain a Virginian, for a period of at least one year prior to the first official day of class for the semester in which he or she is enrolling. The intent of domicile is evidenced through the filing of state income tax, voter registration, automobile registration, and driver’s license. All applicants to the college who are claiming entitlement to Virginia in-state tuition rates must complete the domicile items on the application for admission. The burden of proving eligibility for in-state tuition rests with the applicant.

The college makes an initial determination of an applicant’s eligibility for in-state tuition rates (or domiciliary status) based on the information supplied by the applicant and/or the applicant’s parent, legal guardian, or spouse in the Domicile Information portion of the Application for Admission. This determination is made under provisions of Section 23.1-500 of the Code of Virginia. Additional information, clarification, or supporting evidence may be required.

If the student does not agree with the determination, an appeal may be filed with the Admissions and Records Office within 30 days of the determination by completing and submitting the “Application for Re-Classification of Student’s Domicile Status” packet. This appeal must include copies of the applicant’s driver’s license, motor vehicle registration, income tax returns for the previous tax year, and any other relevant documents that may support the claim of eligibility for in-state tuition rates. The coordinator may require more information, clarification, or supporting evidence in order to review the applicant’s case. Once all required information is received, the coordinator will review the case and notify the student of the decision within ten (10) days.

If the student does not agree with the decision of the coordinator, an appeal may be filed with the Domiciliary Status Appeal Committee within ten (10) days. This appeal must be submitted in writing. The committee may require more information, clarification or supporting evidence. Once all required information is received, the committee will issue a decision, in writing, within 20 days. The decision of the Domicile Appeals Committee represents the final administrative review. If the student is denied in-state tuition privileges by the final administrative decision of the committee, the student may appeal the decision to the Circuit Court within 30 days of receipt of the committee’s decision.

Any student classified as out-of-state who believes they will be eligible for in-state tuition rates for a future term or enrollment must submit an updated “Domicile Application” form. The college is not responsible for monitoring possible eligibility changes.

The “Application for Re-Classification of Student’s Domicile Status” is sent to students deemed out of state at the time of application and can be also accessed on the college’s official website. 

Military Service Member Recruitment Policy

This policy relates to restrictions on misrepresentation, recruitment, and payment of incentivized compensation in the recruitment of service members. This policy applies to the college and its agents including third party lead generators, marketing firms, or companies that act on behalf of the educational institution.

As part of efforts to eliminate unfair, deceptive, and abusive marketing aimed at service members, the College will hereby:

(1) Ban inducements, including any gratuity, favor, discount, entertainment, hospitality, loan, transportation, lodging, meals, or other items having a monetary value of more than a de minimis amount to any individual or entity, or its agents including third party lead generators or marketing firms;

(This provision excludes salaries paid to employees or fees paid to contractors in conformity with all applicable laws for the purpose of securing enrollments of service members or obtaining access to Military Tuition Assistance [TA] funds. In addition, college-sponsored scholarships or grants and tuition reductions available to military students are permissible under this policy.)

(2) Refrain from providing any commission, bonus, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollments or federal financial aid (including TA funds) to any persons or entities engaged in any student recruiting, admission activities, or making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance; and

(3) Refrain from high-pressure recruitment tactics such as making multiple unsolicited contacts (three or more), including contacts by phone, email, or in-person, and from engaging in same-day recruitment and registration for the purpose of securing service member enrollments.